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Low Horton Farm Solar Farm

We are in the process of submitting a new planning application for an additional battery storage facility details of which can be found on our new website here:

Low Horton Solar Farm received planning consent on 4 November 2022.

We are delighted to announce that the proposals for Low Horton Solar Farm received planning consent from Northumberland Council on 4 November 2022. 

We will continue to engage with the local community in the lead up to the start of construction to ensure the voices of the community remain heard

Introducing Low Horton Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

Where is the Proposed Low Horton Solar Farm?

Bluefield Renewable Developments Limited is proposing to submit a planning application to Northumberland County Council for a Battery Energy Storage System (“Low Horton BESS”). The proposed scheme is located on approximately 1.4. ha of agricultural land to the south of A1061 and west of Cramlington. The proposed Low Horton BESS would have a maximum capacity of 50MW.

This project would be located adjacent to the electricity substation which forms part of Low Horton Solar Farm. The solar farm, also developed by Bluefield Renewable Developments, received planning permission in November 2022 under application reference 22/01153/RENE.

The main purpose of the proposed Low Horton BESS project is to provide important grid services to help Northern Powergrid integrate renewable energy onto the local electricity network. In particular, battery energy storage can help smooth out electricity supply by releasing stored power during periods of peak demand. It can enhance grid stability, thereby reducing the need for expensive grid upgrades. It can also provide back-up power to reduce the threat of power outages. 

Benefits of Low Horton BESS

  • It will assist Northumberland County Council in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with national targets.

  • Careful consideration has been given to the development to avoid effects on landscape, heritage or ecological designations.

  • It will have a positive net biodiversity impact with the retention of existing hedgerows and trees which will strengthen existing ecological networks. New hedgerows will be planted to further enhance onsite biodiversity.

  • Introducing BESS into the energy mix allows the electricity network to “balance” generation against demand, support the UK’s urgent need for energy security.

  • The BESS would support the UK’s urgent need to transition to a low carbon future, hitting its target of cutting carbon emissions by 78% by 2035.

  • BESS maximise the use of renewable energy sources and reduce the need for expensive imported gas and polluting fossil fuel power plants.

  • It would help Northern Powergrid to use renewable energy to power our homes and businesses when the wind stops blowing and the sun isn’t shining.

  • It will provide flexibility through rapid charge or discharge of electricity to allow Northern Powergrid to regulate electricity supply and demand whilst minimising greenhouse gas emissions.

  • This is a temporary development, allowing the land to rest for up to 40 years while the BESS development is operational. Decommissioning and full restoration of the site at the end of life of the development will be secured via planning condition.

  • The proposed scheme would not require any government subsidies.

The project is situated to the west of Blyth and approximately 2km south-east of Bedlington. The proposed site covers approximately 75 hectares of agricultural land. The north-western and western boundaries are defined in the most part by the A189. Low Horton Farm is positioned to the west of the site boundary. The southern boundary is defined by a track known as 'Plessey Old Wagonway' which is a Public Right of Way (footpath reference: 300/044). A Public Right of Way runs through the northern section of the site and a second Public Right of way bisects the central section of the site. The eastern boundary is adjacent to Blyth Golf Club and a small section of the north-eastern boundary is positioned adjacent to the railway line.

Following a thorough and wide-ranging land search this site was chosen for its access to the grid, lack of environmental designations, relatively poor soil quality and accessibility. In particular this site is set within a landscape of existing hedgerows defining field boundaries which affords excellent natural screening. The site is predominantly Grade 3b land which is not considered to be the best and most versatile for agriculture.

In addition to having solar panels on the site, the proposal also includes biodiversity and landscape enhancement measures, such as new hedgerow planting, gapping up of existing hedgerows and new grassland habitats. The additional planting helps to minimise visual and environmental impacts. Sheep may also be grazed underneath the solar panels once operational, thereby offering dual use for the land.

Indicative Site Layout Plan

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Site Location Plan

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Public Consultation Event


Due to the recent increase in Coronavirus cases, we invite you to attend our public consultation webinar and Q&A session on Monday 24th January 2022, 6pm - 8pm.

Please click here to register.

Tell us what you think

Please complete the feedback form you received in the post, or fill in this online questionnaire.

Public Consultation Webinar


Founded in 2009, the Bluefield Group builds, manages and operates solar and other renewable energy projects on behalf of its clients. It currently operates over 100 solar farms in the UK with an aggregate capacity of over 610 MWp. As both a developer and operator of renewable energy projects, Bluefield seeks to build long-term relationships with landowners and the local community.

We aim to deliver high quality projects that generate significant renewable energy, have low visual impact and enhance biodiversity and land management.

For more information on Bluefield Development please visit our website

Project Timeline

January 2022



February 2022


Finalise proposed design and submit planning application

November 2022


Planning decision




Contact us.

Please provide your contact details, if you’d like to hear back from us. Any comments provided will help shape our proposal as we prepare the planning application to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Names and contact details will not be included within the planning application or any other published material.

For further information, please do not hesitate to email:

Or contact Pegasus Group by post at:

Pegasus Group

Pegasus House
Querns Business Centre
Whitworth Road

Please provide any feedback by

Wednesday 9th February 2022

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